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The Hope of Sam

Posted by Khoi Pham on November 17, 2022

It’s something I haven’t done in my whole career…

Talking about this…

not real estate…

not mutual fund…or any kind of investment…

It’s just pure love, respect and the positive energy vibe that I can’t resist to share…

Once I was listening to the Buddha’s Dharma at the pagoda I usually visit on weekends…

The Buddha and his holy followers, all shared similarities:

  • Avoid afflictions and focus on Zen
  • Not greedy for nobility
  • All keep the precepts very pure
  • Ethical, righteous concentration
  • Attain all mortal life goals…

Most of all, they help any kinds of species, without taking any notice of how they look, how they behave, even good or bad… to escape from suffering…

And then when I watch how Ms. Hope saving Sam back in 2005, it shocks me when hearing:

“Can I send you the photo because it’s kind of shocking when realize how bad the situation is…

And Ms. Hope said: Absolutely!

…it’s shocking…

but at the same time my husband and I looking at each other and said: “How can we not help this child? We got to help this child.”

Ms. Hope’s look recalls me how Buddha is like…

and also the way she has everything in life like a happy marriage, 4 healthy children and a successful career in America, she shows how she sees the true love not by any cover, but the inner side…

From what source she gets that bravery and love to value the moments Sam laughed, babbled and played like a healthy kid as any others… but obviously, he is not…

The Hope of Sam (Part 1)

Her way was brave…the bravest.

However, there are always birth, aging, sickness and death

Unfortunately, we have to witness her in the very end facing the last journey in suffering…

Ironically, she has been helping people to escape it…

I know the process…it’s the same with what took my mom’s life away…

a cancer…at its final stage…

Pain, surviving, pain, lasting and pain till the very end…

Before stepping into that, she is happy to fulfill the wish to see Sam finding his biological family:

“I dreamed about this day for a very long time

I very much wanted to be a part of this day

and I’m glad that before I get too sick…I was able to be here…to see this.”

The Hope of Sam (Part 2)

It’s choking while watching the clips…

But it also inspires me…us…that there are people like Ms. Hope.

The clips are about Sam…about his hope, yes, his Hope.

Thanks to her as the child like Sam has a new opportunity…

And her journey, her goodwill will continue and last forever in the mind of the people know her and her story

“Over the year, Hope moved my heart…

You have caused my heart to be bigger than everyone would do.”

John Ettore

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