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[Review] The Amazing Launch Of The Opera Residence, The Metropole Thu Thiem

Posted by Khoi Pham on October 8, 2020

[Review] The Amazing Launch Of The Opera Residence, The Metropole Thu Thiem

On Saturday, October 3rd, 2020, the last masterpiece of The Metropole Thu Thiem, The Opera Residence was officially launched.

The ceremony was solemnly held with more than 1000 participants and more than 200 guests watching live from abroad.

Like the launch of phase 1, The Galleria Residence and phase 2, The Crest Residence, phase 3, The Opera Residence remains the main presenter, none other than the passionate C.E.O of Sonkim Land Group, Mr. Andy Han Suk Jung. Starting off the event, he transformed to a conductor directing the choir at his own theater, The Opera Residence.

He shared with a strong belief the Thu Thiem peninsula in the near future will become a second Gangnam and he had always looked for the opportunity to developer a project on this land. Also, he never forgot his first steps when he got the chance to start The Metropole Thu Thiem from the very beginning. Together with him, Mr. Nguyen Hoang Tuan, Chairman of Sonkim Land, had many restless nights and many cycling sessions around the project land plot early from 6 A.M everyday.

Not only attending the groundbreaking and topping out events and giving presentations at the launches of all 3 phases, but he himself also owns the apartments in these. In Vietnam, he can see there are few C.E.Os who can make presentations about the projects they sell, and more rarely, who can buy and stay at those projects themselves. He expressed buying the products developed by his company, not because of the preferential policies he has received, but because he wants to be the first to experience the designs converted to reality, to touch the handover materials and to experience the services there; thus, he can improve it faster and better for the future residents. And of course, he did not forget to close his point by a unforgettable punchline: if the project is developed by myself and I feel proud of it, why I can’t own one and stay in it to enjoy.

The Opera Residence has been introduced to the public since July 2020, but indeed no consultant can describe better the strengths of the project than its own C.E.O. The way Mr. Andy discussed the 9 key points of the Opera Residence and why investing or owning the Opera Residence is the right thing to do has made the entire audience completely convinced.

Through the presentation, it can be seen that the price overview of The Metropole Thu Thiem depends on the development and connection of the Thu Thiem peninsula to District 1. In 2018, the price of The Galleria Residence is from 3,000 USD / m2. In 2019, the price of The Crest Residence from 5,500 USD / m2. Now, in 2020, the price of The Opera Residence has increased from 7,000 USD / m2 when Thu Thiem Bridge 2 has just completed about 70% of the progress. According to this progress, when Thu Thiem Bridge 2 is completed in 2021, the price is likely to be pushed up from 8,500 USD / m2; and in the next 10 years, once the Thu Thiem peninsula is completed, the price can be comparable to the new financial centers of the world such as Pudong or Gangnam, from 25,000 USD / m2.

This explains why, more than 90% of units soon found their owners:

Mr. Andy also added The Opera Residence is not the last residential phase of The Metropole Thu Thiem, but there will be phase 4, which is currently under design: The Upper House Residence.

The Upper House Residence will be located from the top of an commercial tower, from floors 21 to 42, right behind The Opera Residence. When The Opera Residence is 24 floors high, the view from The Upper House Residence will still can view the river, District 1 and many city landmarks:

With the great support of technology, the draw, price display and unit selection went very smoothly. From 9.30 A.M to 5.30 P.M, over 90% of the units are sold:

Customers who choose the apartments can move to the lounge served with food and drink and listen to relaxing and gentle acoustic songs while completing the signing of related documents:

The Metropole Thu Thiem project was taken place in a music-inspired space, offering a unique experience about a smart and convenient life well adapting to the ‘new normal’ stage of the society.

Towards the success of the two previous phases, The Galleria and The Crest Residence, The Opera Residence continued to impress the market with more than 90% of apartments reserved at the event.

With this achievement, Phase 4 of The Metropole Thu Thiem project promises to continue to attract further attention of customers, local and foreign investors.

Looking for the resell of The Opera Residence or listing your units?

Email Support (24H): We know you will have a lot questions. Send us an email and we will get back to you within 1 working day.

Realtique Co., LTD

+84903186378 (Whatsapp/Viber/Zalo/Wechat)

[email protected]

204C Nguyen Van Huong St., Thao Dien Ward, District 2, HCMC

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